Donating a Kidney
Donating a Kidney? You might be that person!
I created this website for two reasons: to document my physical and mental recovery process and to inform anyone interested or considering becoming an organ donor about the journey.

I underwent my operation on 31 January 2024, but I had made the decision to commit to it about a year earlier.
It took me many hours of thought, online research, and soul-searching to reach my decision. I didn’t even tell my wife for the first few months because I needed to reach the decision independently, without intervention or influence.
I should note that the recipient in need of the kidney was a relative of my wife. So, to avoid the added pressure of my wife knowing or giving her false hopes, I chose to remain silent.
Can you imagine telling someone you want to give them a kidney, then changing your mind?
Those were the kinds of thoughts I had to deal with, so I had to be 100% sure that the decision was entirely mine.